Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation Sciences

Leibniz University Hannover

Second cycle

Local admission restriction

winter semester

4 semesters

Degree Programme

Degree: Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation Sciences
Degree: Master of Arts
Study Type: Second cycle
Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Study Mode(s): full time
Primary Language of Instruction: German
Leibniz University Hannover

Admission Information

Mode of Admission: Local admission restriction
Admission Semester: winter semester
Applicants to the Master's degree course must have an academic degree in Special Education or another closely related course. For more information on admission requirements (e.g. language skills), please refer to the admission regulations for this degree course: www.uni-hannover.de/zugangsordnung

Dates and Deadlines

University-Wide Dates and Deadlines: Sommersemester
Lecture Period: Unterbrechung vom 10.06. bis 14.06.25 (Exkursionswoche).
Deadline for Germans and Applicants with German Higher Education Entrance Qualification - Beginning Students: Die Bewerbung ins erste Fachsemester ist nur zum Wintersemester möglich.
Deadline for Germans and Applicants with German Higher Education Entrance Qualification - Higher Semesters: 01.12.2025-15.01.2026
Application Deadline for Foreigners from EU Member States: 01.06.2025-15.07.2025
Application Deadline for Foreigners from Non-EU Member States: 15.04.2025-31.05.2025

Subject(s)/Area(s) of Specialisation

Subject: Rehabilitation Sciences; Special Pedagogy, inclusive Pedagogy
Field(s)/Area(s) of Concentration: Focus 1: Learning Support and Educational Aids (LE), Key area 2: Language and Communication Therapy (SKT), Select focus


Institution: Leibniz University Hannover
Location: Hannover
University Form: full time


Name of Contact Authority for this Programme: Philosophische Fakultät Studiendekanat
Contact Person: Vanessa Rusch
Home Address: Wilhelm-Busch-Str. 4, 30167 Hannover
Phone: 0511 / 762 - 54 93

Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB)
Home Address: Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
Phone: 0511 762-2020
Herr M.A. Martin Scholz
Responsibility: Leiter
Phone: 762-2020
Fax: 762-5504
E-Mail: martin.scholz@zuv.uni-hannover.de
Internet: https://www.uni-hannover.de/de/universitaet/organisation/dezernate/dezernat-6/sg-63-zentrale-studienberatung/

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